This was the first time I had used the Everygreen Cork Shapes on p. 129 of the Idea Book. For only $3.95 you get over 20 shapes. They look great, especially when you ink up the edges a bit. They are also adhesive so they go down great! This layout uses the Pemberley paper and The Best Things stamp set on page 98. It has one of the truest statements....The best things in life aren't things. Well, scrapbooks are right up there though!
We also made 4 cards using the new Colonial White Die Cut cards on page 123 of the Idea Book. I'm not going to show those yet though...may be a workshop in the future.
Speaking of workshops. We had a bonus class day on Friday before Leadershare. During that day we made 12 pages using Footloose and a boxed card set with 10 cards. Those will probably be workshops as well.
If there are certain things you would like to see in a workshop or certain days that work best please let me know. These clases probably won't be until June after graduation.